
My blog

Many important lessons come from great leaders and can give us powerful boosts.

I am going to share them with you to add the most value to support your leadership journey.

No one likes to make a mistake and fail. Mistakes are connected with one of the worst feelings that a person can

When we are managers, or we want to become ones in the nearest future, we often realize in a certain moment that

Many of us wait for the perfect day when a certain thing happen and then we can start doing what we dream

Focus. Use your brain, you are not the monkey. You can control yourself while having an urge to use your phone for

In workspace-related sources of knowledge (this page included), we can find a lot of information about goals, efficiency, skills, leadership, change, habits

During the last 3 years, many of us went through a complete shift of working. We needed to adjust and organize ourselves

It might sound philosophical at first, but a couple of years ago I found this question crucial while thinking about everything I

Many people (myself included) want to do as many things as possible on their own. They want to prove the world that

As people in overall we focus more on what we lack of, where we are not perfect enough or where other people

Where my inspiration comes from?

Many important lessons comes from a great leaders and powerful boos. 
I will happily share them with you to follow it along your journey.