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My blog

Many important lessons come from great leaders and can give us powerful boosts.

I am going to share them with you to add the most value to support your leadership journey.

Many people (myself included) want to do as many things as possible on their own. They want to prove the world that

As people in overall we focus more on what we lack of, where we are not perfect enough or where other people

Fight. Flight. Freeze. Those 3 things our brain does every time when we face a difficult situation, a change or other case

Great resignation. Employee market. Huge employee gap. The lowest unemployment rate in years. We see and hear all of that, now maybe

How we think about professional and personal development differs from person to person, from country to country and from organization to organization.

Learning a new foreign language is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. If you live in a country when English

We all have better and worse moments in our lives. Especially when something is changing (and let’s be honest – this world

Think about one thing you wanted to start doing, but you’ve procrastinated it this week. What was it? Was it a task

Being a trainer is one of my favorite things in the entire world. I love watching people listen, reflect, try to do

Where my inspiration comes from?

Many important lessons comes from a great leaders and powerful boos. 
I will happily share them with you to follow it along your journey.