Hi, my name is Aleksandra Lemańska and I’m really glad that you are here and you want to grow, be smarter and better every single day.
What I do is to support individuals, teams and organizations to implement the Lifelong Learning value to their DNA.
I believe that the best investment, regardless of the times (good or bad) is an investment in a person. Their skills, competencies, mindset, ability to adapt, to learn, unlearn, relearn things.
Do you feel that this is something you believe in too? Let me know how can I help. You can find out more about the values I bring to the table when I serve others on the journey to become their best selves in the next part of this site.
I mostly work as a:
Are you a manager and you want to have a strong, loyal team where employees don’t quit more often than it’s healthy? I can give you guidance, simple tools and structure around which you can work and be a leader that create high-performing, extraordinary teams.
I run 1:1 mentoring processes, workshops for teams of managers, Action Learning sessions where we solve leadership problems and challenges.
“I don’t have time” – I hear this every day. There is no such thing as lack of resources. There are only resourceless people. And I always respond the same way: you don’t have the time? You make the time.
I deliver webinars, workshops, speeches at the conferences while answering the question: how to get your time back?
HR departments are mostly made of people who are here to support others. But the role of HR changes, we need to be more business driven, analytical and transforming to HR Advisory function. I train HR Teams how to make this shift, how to set healthy boundaries, contract with business and not lose human face in the whole process.
Many employees aren’t aware of the fact that personal and professional development is their own responsibility. I can show them how to take ownership of what they experience in work and life during webinars, speeches, short training sessions or Action Learning problem solving sessions around career development area.
By using Process Communication Model (PCM) and Transactional Analysis tools, I teach people how to communicate as pros, contract with others, talk about hungers, motivation, drivers, OK-OK matrix and many more. You can learn how to simplify and edit your work and life by using valuable tools that can change the way you see yourself and others. During webinars, workshops for leadership and HR Teams, or learning programs I show how to understand basic elements and use them right away to stop wasting time on things that don’t matter.